Plucking the daisy: do I stay or change my plan? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Plucking the daisy: do I stay or change my plan?

Plucking the daisy: do I stay or change my plan? If you are a member of a Medicare Advantage plan, surely at the end of September you received the annual notification of changes in your plan -The Annual Notice of Change (ANOC, for its acronym in English)-. This document explains all the cost changes your plan will experience and what your coverage will look like effective January 1 of the next year.
If you haven’t received the notice, or you threw the envelope in the trash without knowing what it was, contact your plan to have it resent.
It is important that you read this document to know the price that your coverage will have next year, what your benefits will be if your preferred doctors will continue to be part of the plan, as well as if the drugs you need are included in the drug list. covered by the plan and the price they will have.
If there are many changes that do not satisfy you, you can contact a Univista Insurance agent to help you find a Medicare Advantage plan in your area of ​​residence that best suits your needs.
Some plans hardly differ and then the benefits they provide come into play, such as free vision and dental care, food, hairdresser, gym, and transportation to medical appointments.
Calmly compare the different offers, you have until next December 7 to decide, stay in your plan, or change to another.
Seek the advice of Univista IInsurance’s specialized agents to help you make an informed decision. That way you won’t have to pick a daisy to find out what to do with your Medicare Advantage plan. Plucking the daisy: do I stay or change my plan?

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-257-9989. You can also quote for free here.