Keep a safe distance; numbers don't lie | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Keep a safe distance; numbers don’t lie

Keep a safe distance; numbers don’t lie. Statistics serve as the compass guiding us through the ever-anxious uncertainty of the future. It’s our understanding of yesterday that enables us to act coherently tomorrow. According to statistics, among the top five most common car accidents—rear-end collisions, head-on collisions, intersection crashes, or accidents involving fixed objects on the road—it’s rear-end collisions that occur most frequently.
While head-on collisions and intersection accidents account for 10.2% and 10.7% of accidents, respectively, rear-end collisions account for 29%.
These numbers conceal a straightforward reality. The primary type of accident occurs in congested urban areas, typically during peak hours. When a car abruptly stops, and the vehicle behind fails to react in time, a collision results.
As we said, statistics serve as the compass guiding us through the ever-anxious uncertainty of the future. Therefore, the most coherent way to avoid this type of accident is to maintain a safe distance between vehicles while driving and adhere to the posted speed limit.
The simplest method for calculating a safe following distance is the “Three-Second Rule,” which states that When traveling at a minimum of 30 miles per hour, a three-second time gap should be maintained between vehicles moving in the same direction. To do this, select a fixed reference point on the road, such as a street sign. When the car ahead passes this point, count 1, 2, and 3 seconds before you pass the same reference point. It’s clear that when driving in a city full of cars during rush hour, everyone is eager to reach their destination; we can only sometimes focus on calculating the three-second gap to maintain a safe distance. To address this, we can leave a distance that accommodates at least the size of four cars between us and the vehicle ahead while respecting the posted speed limit. This way, you’ll avoid becoming a negative statistic in the very statistics that guide us.
If you have only Florida’s minimum legal coverage and want to protect your vehicle with collision insurance, call Univista Insurance. Keep a safe distance; numbers don’t lie.

Give us a call today for a comprehensive assessment! (305) 985-4126. You can also get a free quote here.