Is my car protected against flooding? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Is my car protected against flooding?

Is my car protected against flooding? Last week, a striking image made headlines in South Florida newspapers, showing a submerged vehicle after a main pipe burst on the streets of Miami Lakes. According to multiple reports, a contractor ruptured the pipe while conducting repairs, causing the car to plunge into a massive hole hidden beneath the water. Miraculously, the driver escaped through the passenger window unharmed.
Many might be wondering if auto insurance covers the damage suffered by the vehicle. The answer is “it depends.” If the car has comprehensive coverage, this policy may cover certain damages caused by water and accidents. This coverage typically helps pay for car repairs or, as in this case, its replacement, as the vehicle in question was declared a total loss.
While comprehensive coverage is not mandatory in Florida, lenders require their clients to have it while they repay the loan used to purchase the vehicle. It’s also advisable for owners whose cars hold a significant value.
If these images have prompted you to consider obtaining more excellent protection for your vehicle, it’s time to call Univista Insurance for better coverage at a reasonable price. Is my car protected against flooding?

Give us a call today for a thorough evaluation! (305) 985-4126. You can also get a free quote here.