Is it necessary to have flood insurance in Florida? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Is it necessary to have flood insurance in Florida?

Is it necessary to have flood insurance in Florida? Living in Florida, the state of beautiful beaches, bright sunshine, and lively nightlife comes at a cost: hurricanes, torrential rains, and floods.
It’s clear: Florida is vulnerable to water surges due to its long coastline, exposure to sea level rise, low-lying terrain, highly porous soil constantly threatened by a high water table, and countless bodies of water in its geography, such as rivers, lagoons, and canals prone to overflowing during heavy rains, which are abundant in tropical climates.
It’s striking that despite the inherent risk, only 22% of properties in Florida have flood insurance.
Having flood insurance is crucial to protect the homeowner’s dwelling and personal property. In a flood, the insured will receive vital compensation to rebuild their home and replace damaged personal property.
In this reality, Florida homeowners shouldn’t wonder if a flood will occur; the right question should be, am I adequately protected for when it happens? It’s not alarmist; according to the Insurance Institute, 20% of flood claims occur in areas with low or moderate risk of water surges.
If you want to learn more about a typical flood insurance policy, its coverage scope, price, and how to purchase it, please contact a specialized agent at Univista Insurance, who will explain the details of this vital protection. Is it necessary to have flood insurance in Florida?

Call us today for a comprehensive quote! 305-267-7138. You can also get a free quote here.