How does eye color influence vision? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

How does eye color influence vision?

How does eye color influence vision? The amount of melanin or pigment in a person’s iris determines the color of their eyes. The more melanin, the darker the eyes. In the US, only 9% of people have green eyes, making it the least common color, while the most prevalent color is brown – or hazel -which encompasses 45% of the population. According to scientists, the change in eye color originated with the migration of our ancestors from warmer geographical areas to colder ones.
But does eye color influence vision? Many wonder.
Generally, people with lighter eyes are more sensitive to light than darker ones. Therefore, individuals with light eyes require more protection against UV rays from the sun.
On the other hand, doctors say that people with lighter eyes are more likely to be nearsighted than those who have blurry vision when looking at distant objects. However, those with darker eyes should not celebrate yet, as they are prone to farsightedness, meaning blurry vision at close range. Of course, this does not mean that a person with dark eyes cannot be nearsighted or vice versa; we are just talking about probabilities.
If you have green, blue, gray, or brown eyes and are concerned about any eye condition, we recommend visiting an ophthalmologist for an examination. If the ophthalmologist prescribes glasses, it is advisable to have vision insurance that includes periodic checks of glasses, lenses, and some vision correction treatments.
At Univista Insurance, you can find the most affordable vision insurance for you and your family. How does eye color influence vision?

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