An ophthalmologist can detect kidney cancer or diabetes before anyone else | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

An ophthalmologist can detect kidney cancer or diabetes before anyone else

An ophthalmologist can detect kidney cancer or diabetes before anyone else. Regular eye exams aren’t just suitable for detecting and correcting vision problems and help uncover serious health issues in their early stages. According to ophthalmologists, more than 20 serious diseases can be detected through an eye exam before they show symptoms.
During an eye exam, the ophthalmologist doesn’t just check your vision. They observe the activity of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues throughout your body. This comprehensive approach allows them to detect a wide range of conditions, including aneurysms, brain tumors, blood or tissue cancer (such as leukemia and lymphoma), diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, lupus, Lyme disease, medication toxicities, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, sexually transmitted diseases, sickle cell anemia, Sjögren’s syndrome, stroke, thyroid disease, vascular disease, vitamin A deficiency, osteoporosis, among others.
It’s worth noting that early detection of a disease before it begins to show symptoms can mean the difference between life and death, which is especially clear in the case of cancer or osteoporosis. Early detection also influences the intensity and types of treatments. A developed cancer is treated differently than an early one.
In conclusion, by regularly visiting the ophthalmologist, you’re taking care of more than just your vision; you’re protecting the health of your entire body.
That’s why the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that everyone over 40 undergo a thorough eye examination. Beyond that age, the risk of contracting diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and vision-related ailments increases. An ophthalmologist can detect kidney cancer or diabetes before anyone else.

Give us a call today for a comprehensive evaluation! (305) 227-9304. You can also get a free quote here.